Expat Stories Lifestyle

New Normal

A woman in black shirt holding a purse.

Finding a new normal….that’s the buzz phrase these days. It’s March 2020, and if you aren’t already aware, we’ve got a global pandemic on our hands, called COVID-19. She’s a mean one. And stubborn, we just have not yet found a way to stop her. The only thing that HAS worked to slow her down is social distancing, and that’s forcing everyone to change their daily life.


Well, it’s because you are a human, in a sick world, and the virus affects the human race. If we all band together, do some seriously unselfish (cancel plans and stop panic shopping) and super responsible things (stay indoors and practice social distancing), all at the same time, it just might work. You see, despite your need to go out for drinks on the weekend, or to take that trip, or have that dream wedding you’ve saved for a year to do, you have to say no. In a world where so many of us have decided “you only live once” and “say yes to everything”, this time we need you to say NO. Actually, if you want to say yes so bad, let’s flip that, and have you say YES to the change that you are required to embrace. I mean, if cauliflower can somehow become a pizza crust, you can absolutely do this.

A white background with a black line on it


For the forseeable future, this is how we need to roll. At a Social Distance from each other to prevent the spread of a virus that was never meant to enter the human body; but did. I know, it’s so frustrating; but it’s a global reality, for every single person, city, business….you name it, nowhere and nothing is exempt. Since it’s new, and neither you or I know the full extent of it’s effects and long term damage, it would be stellar if we all just did our part, and stayed away from crowds and going out to public places unnecessarily. Mmm-kay?


Really? Was your childhood THAT exciting? And since when do our kids get to call the shots while COVID-19 rules the world?! No is NO. I grew up in the 80’s, we were literally bored out of our trees most days, everything turned out fine. Stop thinking that you, or your children, need constant action and entertainment. The new normal is asking us to slow down, get creative, and spend quality time together as  family. I know it is WAY harder than having them sent off to school for 8 hours a day; but we are the parents! We are in charge and need to set the BEST examples possible for dealing with change, switching up schedules without adding stress, and being the safest place for our kids.

I heard someone say, it doesn’t matter how busy or entertained the kids are during times like this, it’s how safe, secure and loved they felt through the disruption. There is nowhere else they can get that feeling than with you.

I truly believe, when our collective small actions of staying in, can create a giant absence of bodies for the virus to infect, then we can feel safer knowing ourselves, and our loved ones with chronic lung conditions, compromised immune systems from, oh…I don’t know…CANCER…have a chance to avoid infection. Actually, it’s unfair to think that any generation or age group should be OK to contract COVID-19, soooo, buckle up, cancel your plans, and get home. Mother Earth has had enough and she needs a break from us, y’all!


All right, I’m done with the sass. Here’s the amazing thing about Social Distancing in 2020…you can literally do ANYTHING you’ve ever wished you had more time for! Friends, listen! The technology exists, the possibilities are truly endless and if you were to take advantage of THIS time, to do the things you’ve thought about; but never did….imagine the world we’d all come back to! Here’s a list for starters:

  • write a gratitude journal every day
  • start a blog
  • write a book
  • paint / sculpt / draw
  • take an online course and start using those skills! What course? How about:
    • photography
    • dance / yoga / mediation
    • nutrition
    • graphic art
    • coding
    • baking
    • cooking
    • learn a new language
    • SEO
    • how to make a video
    • starting a podcast
    • starting a YouTube Channel
    • creating an online course


  • READ
  • have family dinners and conversations every night
  • build something (a birdhouse or a business, the options are endless and you have TIME ON YOUR SIDE!)
  • nap
  • let yourself have that good cry you’ve been holding in
  • doodle / color
  • go for a walk and look around you instead of jamming a podcast in your ears
  • clear the clutter from your home (it can create so much noise and induce procrastination….once it’s gone, it’s like a weight you didn’t know you were carrying has been lifted)
  • play tag with the kids
  • pull out the Dominoes / Uno / Monopoly / Battleship / Chess / Sequence, etc, etc,
  • rest and allow all the thoughts to run through your mind, until you have one that deeply moves you
  • practice giving alot of grace


Here’s what I’m saying….while this seems like things are turned upside down, what if it actually puts things right side up? This isn’t all bad. So far we still have full access to water, electricity and the internet. Grocery stores may seem bare; but food is still coming in, and you could order supplies for any of the above ideas online (in most areas) and potentially have it delivered to you in a few days (as of the time I’m writing this). Your new normal, might be you, living a BETTER, happier existence because you were given the time to get to know YOU, and the people in your house better.

You don’t have to resent work right now, you’re LITERALLY not allowed to go. So instead of seeing all the negatives of that (and I am NOT downplaying any of those negatives, those are very real), time does pass anyway. Let’s be creative. Let’s allow those great ideas we have; but never take action on, to come to life. Better yet, what if we breathed new life into the relationships that mean the most to us?

It might be a while til we see the other side of this; but if we all can do our part, we can take pride in contributing to it’s end. Until then, you’ll find me spending more time on everything Method39, it’s future offerings (some which I am SO darn pumped about), helping my kids with their online learning and a whole bunch more things on that second list I shared. Take good care everyone!

xoxo – Taryn

About Author

I've always connected my style, with logic (or lack of it!) and my inner self. Looking to be original in a big world. I hope to bring out the authentic style for my readers, while making them smile as they recognize themselves along the way!

(3) Comments

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  3. MatthewFruck says:

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