Maybe you have noticed that you spend alot of time on your computer / iphone / ipad. And not just for social media updates and sharing your pics; but you are shopping there, aren’t you?! How amazing is that?! You can click a link or image you like, then have the shopping site appear right …
Summer Dresses
Summer is the perfect opportunity to spend way more time in dresses. Which funnily enough, takes WAY less time to get ready! I love slipping on a comfortable, casual day dress that allows me to go to lunch and sip a margarita while eating chips and salsa. But not so snug that my “food baby” …
Strappy Sandals
I love me some cute shoes…..I think you know that by now; but not everyone loves a heel. I get it! Walking on them is sometimes considered a sport and are only reserved for special occasions. I used to wear stiletto heels almost every day to work and thought nothing of it. Went and had …
Tanks Tops On Repeat
The heat is on, and if you are like me, you are planning to get a few new things for the summer season; but also intend to wear some of last years styles all over again. ME TOO! Here I am sharing my favorite tank tops from LAST summer and fully intend to wear them …
Mother’s Day
Oh what a glorious day, that is Mother’s Day. I read something recently that said it should really just be women lifting each other up, as well as families, giving Mom a well deserved day of less to do (because let’s face it, while kids are living in our home, we never actually take a …