Ohhh, my FAVE color to wear is Navy!!! It has been for years and I was pretty excited when a friend got me this super cute J.Crew Off The Shoulder top….I especially love that it is a more boxy cut, even though I can’t give it my signature side tuck, with this top, that’s A-OK! …
5 Days of Flatlays
Last month I did this little thing I called #fivedaysofflatlays on my Instagram (@tarynjmeyer) and it got some pretty good responose! So I thought sharing something like that here would allow me to elaborate a tiny bit more on the outfit, its components and where I would wear them…..hope you get inspired to dig through …
Roll With It
I’m not going to lie….I love a good cuff roll. I don’t think I’ve worn my jeans “uncuffed” for at least 5 years so it’s a static part of my personal style. Until recently I just flipped the bottom cuff up and left it at that….kind of like in these photos: LATELY, I have …
My Method Tip
Hey friends!! I usually do a Style Tip Tuesday post (did you see the Ripped Denim Series?! click for PART 1, then read on to parts 2 & 3!), and I plan to continue to do articles like that; but this week I’m going to mix it up a bit. As I work towards building …
It’s My Birthday!
Just like that, I’m 41! Here’s how we celebrated it: Wake up, get ready, family made me a full on breakfast, go to church, take the kids shoe shopping (because they can’t seem to fit into a pair of runners for more than 6 months lately!) and grabbed a new pair for me too, come …