A red background with white lettering that says " should would could did ".
Social Media

I Did It!

I’m so excited friends!! I actually figured out how to make my blog posts get delivered to my subscribers inbox! Holy cow, that is a huge win right now! I know, you are probably thinking, “Seriously Taryn? How is that new for you when you’ve had this blog for about a YEAR?! Isn’t that the …

A row of black and white dumbbells in a gym.

Muscle Memory…..

So, here I am….what the heck…..it’s March 31 and I have GOT to get back into a routine!!!! OMG guys, has this happened to you?? You let yourself enjoy Christmas, then that runs straight into New Years….and then you make that Annual New Years Resolution that is a really aggressive-I’m-making-a-change-“you’ve got this” kind of resolution. …