Inspiration Style Tips - The What/Why/How

Style Inspiration

A woman standing in front of a mirror holding onto a purse.

Hey Style Lovers! You know when you see an outfit or a look, and you just LOVE it. Then you realize you have nothing like that in your wardrobe, nor could you afford to buy those pieces…so a little sadness sets in?

GREAT NEWS….I’m going to break down how you can use that image as inspiration to get a look YOU love, that looks awesome on YOU. So here we go:


When we see a style we really like, what we need to keep in mind, is that we like the overall look of it, and THAT is what we want to create for ourselves. Our proportions are different, meaning scale and shape of our clothing may differ slightly from the picture; but yet, can STILL give the end result of great flow.

Don’t look for exact colors and patterns, as those may not even be the most flattering on you anyway! So here’s what I did to get a similar look, to one of my favorite Style Icons at the moment, Victoria Beckham. Her look inspired it; but my version is so different, yet 100% my style.

A white background with a black line on it



For this style inspiration she’s giving me, I really loved how the skirt had movement when she walked, looked great with a boot, and was paired with a complimentary sweater. So armed with the DETAILS I loved about this outfit, I kept an eye on the patterns available, the finishing details, and of course, how it fit. The slit is so “extra” for me, while the black satin buttons are a nice add, even if not noticed right away. And of course, it has a lot of movement.

A turtleneck automatically adds length to one’s look, since the neckline is so high. Maybe VB feels the same since she’s even shorter than  me!  Just have to make sure it’s a super lightweight knit while living in Dubai! ha! I just didn’t love how long hers was in both the arms and the bottom hem, so I made a note to avoid that.

I chose not to accessorize with this; but absolutely could to really show off my personality with whatever I add on. Not to mention, adding a black belt to the black top would help create a waistline, lending to the hourglass figure we all love, without distracting the eye from the overall look.


When I paired the black turtleneck and snake print midi skirt together with those boots, I was super happy. I know, it’s a pretty easy combo; but the pieces felt very much my style, yet inspired by something that looked completely different. Both pieces can be worn many different ways, which is super important when building a versatile wardrobe . We ALL want that!

So when you are looking through whatever means of style inspiration you have, whether social media or good old glossy fashion magazines, just remember, you need to create YOUR version of that fab look. Not mirror the exact one.

Truth be told, I also took this style inspiration a little more literal. See below the black pleated skirt with multicolored design in it, that will also work well to mimic this look; but in a totally different way. I used a button up and left it open to create a V, then added a similar shaped statement necklace. Again, all to elongate the look and be a little more casual with rolled up sleeves. You could pull ANY color from this skirt and look for a top that coordinates and it will look great. So LOADS of versatility with this piece…SCORE!

Here’s what it looks like:

A white background with a black line on it


When you go through these articles, take notes on what styles might look best on you based on your shape and size. This will absolutely help with the success rate of putting together an outfit you love AND feel comfortable in. Show the world your stuff, because girl…..”be yourself, every one else is already taken” – Oscar Wilde

xo – Taryn


About Author

I've always connected my style, with logic (or lack of it!) and my inner self. Looking to be original in a big world. I hope to bring out the authentic style for my readers, while making them smile as they recognize themselves along the way!