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A woman sitting on the couch wearing jeans and red shirt.
Style Tips - The What/Why/How

Why This Post Had the Most Engagement

So a recent post included the above image on Instagram, and this was the first sentence, of the caption that went with it: “Never underestimate the power of  the wardrobe staple – great denim!” MOST ENGAGEMENT AWARD Now, when I say engagement, this post not only received comments in “the ‘gram”; but also a ton …

A picture quote about being yourself.
Inspiration Style Tips - The What/Why/How

What Does “Authentic” Have to Do With Style?

For starters, let’s just get clear on what that word means (as per the definition when Authentic Synonym is typed into Google Chrome): au·then·tic ôˈTHen(t)ik/ adjective of undisputed origin; genuine. “the letter is now accepted as an authentic document” synonyms: genuine, real, bona fide, true, veritable; legitimate, lawful, legal, valid; informalthe real McCoy, the real …