Showing 34 Result(s)
A woman wearing jeans and a tank top holding onto her purse.

How Do I Find My Style?

For some, that’s an easy question. They can fit themselves in a well described box right away. Boho. Classic. Hipster. Eclectic. But for others, not so much. It’s so great nowadays to be able to click through Instagram and find bloggers that you like how they dress and even buy what they wear! But beware…do …

A pie and coffee are sitting next to each other.

Summer Snackin’

Show of hands from anyone who MAY have indulged in a few too many “pies and lattes” this summer!! (ME!) I met a new friend the other day. Her name is Christy. She’s literally, LOVELY, a really fun gal to chat with, we laughed alot and just had a really great time getting to know …