Showing 14 Result(s)
A pie and coffee are sitting next to each other.

Summer Snackin’

Show of hands from anyone who MAY have indulged in a few too many “pies and lattes” this summer!! (ME!) I met a new friend the other day. Her name is Christy. She’s literally, LOVELY, a really fun gal to chat with, we laughed alot and just had a really great time getting to know …

A person wearing sandals and jeans on the sidewalk.
Versatility is KEY

Strappy Sandals

I love me some cute shoes…..I think you know that by now; but not everyone loves a heel. I get it! Walking on them is sometimes considered a sport and are only reserved for special occasions. I used to wear stiletto heels almost every day to work and thought nothing of it. Went and had …