Style Tips - The What/Why/How

We See Our Flaws at 150%

A woman with long black hair and bangs.

We’ve all got flaws that we see in ourselves. Every single one of us, REGARDLESS OF SHAPE OR SIZE, looks in the mirror and sees something we’d like to improve. Keep reading. I will share mine and that black and white pic of me will make more sense.

Even worse, we might even refuse to invest anything into a wardrobe, until said flaw is gone. Yet, it seems like the hardest thing to do! Instead, we stay in a holding pattern, as our “go to” looks get more and more worn.


What I’ve learned, while leaning into becoming a Wardrobe Stylist, is that when we look at those flaws, we actually see them through a lens that is magnifying at about 150%. You might be seeing your “imperfections” one and a half times bigger than they actually are! Why would we do that to ourselves?! Because we can be our own worst critic! Well, I’ll speak for myself, I can be REALLY hard on me.


Why would we exaggerate the size of an area we want to “fix”? I wonder if it is to make sure others know, that we know, it’s a problem area, so we bring it up before they can? Maybe we are wearing overly bulky clothes because we love “comfort” so we can successfully hide not just our flaws; but all of us?

I have flaws I don’t like showing. For starters, I think my forehead is huge, and it’s why I wore bangs for 10 years, even when I hated them and didn’t think they were flattering. I thought covering my forehead with bad bangs (I have a cowlick on the right side of my hairline, those things NEVER cooperated!) was better than showing it and wearing my hair the way I like it.

Oh, and also, since I sucked two fingers as a kid (that’s right, one thumb wasn’t enough for this chick…ugh), so I have an overbite. We couldn’t afford braces for me and now some dental work prevents me from getting anything done now. When I smile big, it makes me super self conscious. So both of my 150% flaws are on my dang FACE, yet here I am, sharing photos of myself in outfits all the time, in hopes to give you all the confidence to do the same for yourself! Don’t leave me hangin’ here sister!


I covered BOTH OF THOSE FLAWS BIG TIME for a head shot from an amazing photographer @thebrook. Like, it’s a big deal for him to take your photo (he’s photographed OPRAH for crying out loud!), so the bangs and no smile (I was pretty giddy and, obviously, almost when full smile there) were super important (to me, and only me) that day. It’s a great pic. In fact is was my favorite pic of me for YEARS; but I now see it as a woman who only wanted to let half of her light shine. Not the whole thing. That’s too much, and people will be turned off by that. Well friends, I am NEVER that chill, so now, you get what you get. One day, I’m going to go back to @brook and have him do a new one. His talent is some of the best in the business and I would love to see what I look like through his lens when my light is shining bright!


Ladies, there is beautiful style for everyBODY, including yours. No more making excuses as to why we just “can’t”. It is 100% true that clothes can both accentuate and / or minimize certain features. You absolutely deserve to walk out of the house, on any given day, feeling great.

You want to know something else…this is the picture (taken by my friend @mandiroachphotography) that I get the MOST engagement, positive response and comments (out of any family, friends or followers) and it showcases the things I think are my flaws. Turns out, my smile is worth sharing, and nobody is looking at my forehead. Maybe we just need to cut ourselves some slack and just LOVE AND TAKE CARE OF WHAT GOD GAVE US!

A white background with a black line on it

YET, when I try to do a face like the “everyone else”, and try to be intentionally NOT “extra”, it’s actually hard for me and puts me in a really critical mindset, which isn’t a great place to be.


Sister, you can be right about an imperfection; but oh so wrong about the size or impact of it! We just need to learn how to style around it, to compliment YOU. Don’t be afraid to be SEEN! Give yourself permission and room to get creative with your style, and you may be pleasantly surprised with the results. And when you like what you see, you are much more at ease with BEING seen. Let your light shine girl!


Before you buy another thing, I want you to spend some time learning how to dress your shape. My friend @skyenmclain and I wrote an article that talks all about that! What flatters you? What should you stay away from? Is there anything in your closet that you realize ISN’T right for you; but you were sure it was? Move it off to the side! Once you know better, you can do better. Soon you’ll be picking all the RIGHT pieces when you shop, and you’ll be excited to step into your closet and get ready for the day.

xoxo Taryn

About Author

I've always connected my style, with logic (or lack of it!) and my inner self. Looking to be original in a big world. I hope to bring out the authentic style for my readers, while making them smile as they recognize themselves along the way!