
What Changed This Year?

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My mind! That’s what! Anyone else have an equal sense of guilt and excitement when you actually allow yourself to admit, you just simply changed your mind? This applies to all situations; but for this article, I’m talking about work.

What Do You Mean You Changed Your Mind???

If you would have told me there would be a day when I wasn’t all in, totally committed, tenacious and in LOVE with my role as a Leader with Stella & Dot, I would have laughed REALLY HARD in your face.

My first year I earned the Rookie That Rocked It Award, built a team and hit the leadership sweet spot called Star. YEAH BABY! A really great income, sharing the opportunity, THOSE ladies loving it and doing the same, and helping women finish their looks with something that suits them or their occasion, perfectly.

During my second year I was transferred to Houston. Fun fact, at that time, I was the only Star Stylist who had ever moved to a different country, and kept the career rank. And I was incredibly proud of it. My team stayed with me; but I had to start a new customer base and network from SCRATCH.

Three years after moving to Houston I had promoted two more career ranks to Director and I literally, felt like I had earned a place reserved for “the smarter women”. So for almost 5 years, I had an upwards trajectory with my business….amazing, right?! For the record, that is about 4 1/2 years longer than ANYONE gave me credit for. (So if you are wondering if “these kinds of businesses” actually work, the answer is a HUGE yes…it’s been life changing for me and I’m SO grateful for all of it.)

So…That Sounds Awesome, What Changed?

Right around 6 1/2 years in, my tenacity was waning, my authenticity was low and it felt like I was selling, when I had never felt like that before.

Instead, I found myself wanting to help the women I worked with find their whole style, not just finish the look…so that’s when Method39 started to form.

Why Would You Change to a Blog?

In the beginning I worked on both….and told NOBODY. It took a solid 4-5 months of my site being live and me adding posts to it before I even told anyone. I have NO idea why….wait, yes I do, it was fear of other people’s opinions.

Blogging is a very common and viable space to build a reputation by helping others through writing and sharing articles and services related to any and every industry. ESPECIALLY FASHION. While I am so in love with my blog and feel intense pride when I post an article, I am really insecure about if what I have to say, matters to anyone else.

Looking back, how did I EVER expect it to become ANYTHING if I didn’t take it seriously or even act as though it was something I was proud of, to others??? If I minimized it, why would they use their time to look at it? #getoutofyourownwaywoman (have you been there too?? Why do we DO THAT?!)

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The entire GOAL of Method39 is to help women find their Style. Because our style evolves as we go through stages of our lives. We just don’t realize it all the time. The purpose of M39 is to talk to you about some of my outfits, why I chose them and provide the shopping link to that item and a whole bunch more suggestions. Literally, shop on the go, while you are waiting at swim (or any other sport) practice or just killing time on your phone.

But I don’t want to just fall into the category of shopping.  My intent is to share with you how to find your perfect Style and create outfits with what you already have! Help you shop for the right pieces! Use your Style Dollars well!  I want to be your go-to girl for that! #styletips

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Your Style Might Have Changed, So I Want To Help

There are a TON of articles out there to share to help us understand how to fit and flatter our shape, lifestyle, preferences and everything in between. I know I can get real excited about learning about wardrobe Must Have’s, how to dress for success at work, and how to make everyday street style fun. Why keep it all to myself?!

I’ve been a college kid on a budget, a career woman with a wardrobe that rocked, a new mom where nothing fit, a stay at home mom where a reason to dress nice seemed invisible, and now a Work from Home Mom transitioning from Trunk Shows in front of ladies, to blogging behind a screen.

No matter who I am, and no matter who you are, there is never a bad time to want to look your best. And as a matter of fact, if YOU have a dream that has been tapping you on the shoulder, and you keep pretending you don’t feel it, maybe YOU can change your mind in 2018 too!!

That’s What Changed, and I’m SUPER Excited!

It was so long winded…I know. But I guess I had to get that off my chest before another year started and I held back for any reason. Journalling was a really huge, HUGE part of my life all the way up to about 5 years ago. I miss it. Putting the words on paper often helped me to get it out of my head completely so the path forward was a lot less cluttered. There is a noticeable difference for me when I don’t.

Hopefully, every once in a while, you will indulge me to let it all out. Be real and transparent because everything I go through is how anything comes to be, and it’s the same for all of us. Who knows…we might realize we have way more in common than our taste in jeans!! Time to get this year GOING ladies!

xoxo Taryn

About Author

I've always connected my style, with logic (or lack of it!) and my inner self. Looking to be original in a big world. I hope to bring out the authentic style for my readers, while making them smile as they recognize themselves along the way!