
A Whole New Year Starts Now! (Well, a Couple Days ago; but Close Enough)

A woman holding up a glass of champagne.

Happy 2018 friends!!! The calendar resets; but whole new year starts any day really, right? Who needs it to be January 1 to make a goal, create a new mindset, start a new trajectory for your business, mind, fitness or relationships? I kind of love that, don’t you? I can’t promise to bring you perfect content all the time; but I will promise to give you my best every time.


Not going to lie, kinda want to roll my eyes at this phrase. Listen, optimism is GREAT, except this kind of feels like a person is SUPPOSED to know how to create better for themselves, their family and their life at the start of the year. Whaaaaaat?? Get me out of this PRESSURE COOKER! (just a little somethin’ for my Friends fans out there). “Aha” moments come whenever they dang well please, not just at the New Year. This year, let’s just set the intention to be more open to, and listen to those in real time. K?!

A white background with a black line on it


What do I mean by new Sightline? I promise you, when you find your style, love the way you present yourself to the world (no, this do NOT mean getting fancy!) and are doing it on budget, you will look the world straight in the eyes. Again, confidence looks good on you sister, and that comes from the inside out. It radiates out of you like a light, so why not clothe that beauty, in YOUR perfect style?

Go ahead, have a bad hair day here and there. Wear you workout gear to run errands because you have to do ALL THE THINGS that day. Wear those sweats for three days and nights straight while that baby can’t sleep and NEEDS you. Just don’t fall into the habit. You know the difference between feeling like a frumpy hot mess (yeah we do!), and feeling refreshed and pulled together, right? Set your sights on making time for that on the regular!


Priority #1 – I never want this blog to come across that outside appearances matter most, materialism is acceptable, or expect anyone to spend ridiculous amounts of money on fashion. It’s really the opposite. The truth of it is, you are a good person, you work hard and you try to love others well. It breaks my heart to hear people say they don’t have time for themselves. YOU don’t come last ALL THE TIME (Mama’s know what I’m saying here).

Why in the world, would you, or I, be all of these wonderful, valuable and honorable things to others, yet not put any care or effort into how we present ourselves to the world? We can still be anyone’s voice of reason, biggest cheerleader and soft place to fall while we direct a little of that energy to us.


Before you roll your eyes at me….hey, I know you are busy!! You aren’t the only one who can “forget” to shower some days. (Me at least three times over Christmas Break) Throw on the same outfit for the third straight day. (Also me, over Christmas break) Wish the laundry fairy would freaking stop at your house for once!  Girl, I see you! So to bring as much valuable as possible when you so graciously give me your time, this blog is where you will see what I have learned over the past 25 years of dressing myself (and paying for it out of my own pocket).

This chick has been a starving college student working 2 part time jobs to pay her own way through school, an entry level professional after graduating and facing “adulting” (aka paying all the bills) for real, been promoted to the top of her field, been a stay at home mom and, most recently, a Work From Home / Stay At Home Mom! The hope is to gather all of these experiences, what I’ve learned through all of that, put it out there for you. Mama’s, wouldn’t it be great to share this with your daughters going through any of these phases? 99% of it may not mean a ton; but I suppose it’s a little like throwing spaghetti at the wall, eventually something will stick, right?


I have used this quote in a previous post:

A white background with a black line on it

We have literally won the lottery people….the fact we are alive has a stat of something like 4 TRILLION TO ONE based on science and how our Mom’s even become pregnant and successfully give birth to us.

Not only that, and better than science, you were PLANNED! You were lovingly created, in HIS image, to be alive at this exact time! Whether that sinks in or not, you are a walking, talking, living and breathing creature created in the image of our Lord and Savior. I give thanks for my life by treating my body with respect and clothing it in a way that represents me well. Coco has a great point, manners are crucial, and there is nobody I want to be more polite to than Him. And I believe He is well pleased!


Don’t go mistaking that for me presuming God is happy when I wear nice clothes. No, not for one second. I DO, however believe He blesses us with gifts in life, and all of our blessings thereafter, come from how we use those gifts.

After dipping my toe in the water with fashion blogging, it truly looks like there are alot of people out there who WANT:

  • help finding their style
  • help shopping
  • an easier way to shop because they don’t have time or hate the mall
  • inspiration on how to put outfits together
  • tips, tricks and a heads up on sales

Great news! All of the above are something that has intrigued me, got me excited, or felt really natural to me, for a very long time. Only recently did I actually see it as a gift He gave me to put out into the world. SWEET!!

And let’s just go there…. I kind of feel like Adam and Eve gave fashion bloggers permission to do their thing. For real! After eating that forbidden fruit and breaking the ONE rule they had in that Garden of Eden, the firs thing they grabbed was a leaf to cover their nakedness. (dang girl!…while I’m mad about it, I stress eat too, so, I get it).

Fortunately, we have far more to choose from than that (hallelujah!) and I LOVE bringing it to you! So stay tuned….and CHEERS to 2018!

xoxo Taryn

About Author

I've always connected my style, with logic (or lack of it!) and my inner self. Looking to be original in a big world. I hope to bring out the authentic style for my readers, while making them smile as they recognize themselves along the way!